How busy was GT today? Keen to check out the new stuff.
It was alright though. Didn’t really feel people breathing down my neck or anything at all. I got caught amongst some people on the initial climb up from the carpark and there was a tiny bit of sitting about waiting for folk to go the second time I got to the top of the new descent line but my legs needed time to recover from the climb anyway!
Photo looking down the new stuff, it’s impressive to look at and hella fun, managed to land a fair few of the jumps on the downslope.
Wore my Humvee trousers at Glentress today, didn’t carry anything in the front pockets and that helped with the tightness. Had winter bib tights on under, the dwr coating send to have done pretty well though I have got a Mudhugger rear guard on so are wasn’t getting pummelled, matron!
New trails at Glentress are pretty bangin. Could have done without getting to them via most of the black, legs were pumping up so bad. Think it’s because I’ve been riding the gravel bike a lot so sitting down, legs aren’t used to standing up!