Finally getting around to tiling the kitchen and it's got me thinking about sills. Currently we have the leftover tiles from the previous iteration which I'm looking forward to binning. I've asked the people who did our work surface to cut a pair of sills to match it.
Is there a particular way to lay them down onto a plaster finish? Presumably just the same adhesive we used to lay the surface down on the cabinets?
And is there a reason for the sort of T shaped sill boards I've seen people make from wood on YouTube? Does it add any protection or serve any purpose? Then silicone around the edges and tile from the top of it rather than behind the piece of silestone?
So currently the space available is 650 x 105 and it'll be 20mm thick. Sound about right? Overlap in that T shape? Size it slightly under so it's not too snug?
The sills itself is often held with screws probably with an adhesive (gripfill), not being what I do I'd go for a 'hammerfix' type to get to the block/brick work and have the plug in the timber, but potentially just a wall plug to right screw size (+ adhesive) will deffo hold it
Finally getting around to tiling the kitchen and it's got me thinking about sills. Currently we have the leftover tiles from the previous iteration which I'm looking forward to binning. I've asked the people who did our work surface to cut a pair of sills to match it.
Is there a particular way to lay them down onto a plaster finish? Presumably just the same adhesive we used to lay the surface down on the cabinets?
And is there a reason for the sort of T shaped sill boards I've seen people make from wood on YouTube? Does it add any protection or serve any purpose? Then silicone around the edges and tile from the top of it rather than behind the piece of silestone?
So currently the space available is 650 x 105 and it'll be 20mm thick. Sound about right? Overlap in that T shape? Size it slightly under so it's not too snug?