Yes, no idea on all of that. It just came up because I wanted to link to the GLA planning portal. No idea why it uses that. If you leave 'blob:' off, the URL doesn't work. I can well imagine it being insecure and abused as a feature in certain contexts--perhaps to mask what people are clicking on? Screenshotting wouldn't work so easily for the longer document, as it's lots of pages. As I said, it's not important; people who want to read boring planning documents will be able to c&P the full URL and be confident it's not an unsafe link. Thanks for looking at it, though.
Yes, no idea on all of that. It just came up because I wanted to link to the GLA planning portal. No idea why it uses that. If you leave 'blob:' off, the URL doesn't work. I can well imagine it being insecure and abused as a feature in certain contexts--perhaps to mask what people are clicking on? Screenshotting wouldn't work so easily for the longer document, as it's lots of pages. As I said, it's not important; people who want to read boring planning documents will be able to c&P the full URL and be confident it's not an unsafe link. Thanks for looking at it, though.