Time to accept the likelihood of me ever getting round to building a shed, getting set up with a torch and making minor frame mods and stupid little rack experiments is incredibly slim, and will be for the foreseeable future.
These rattling round in the bottom of toolbox for the last couple of years. They've picked up a few scuffs and scrapes in that time but have never been near a torch and the threads seem in good condition.
Time to accept the likelihood of me ever getting round to building a shed, getting set up with a torch and making minor frame mods and stupid little rack experiments is incredibly slim, and will be for the foreseeable future.
These rattling round in the bottom of toolbox for the last couple of years. They've picked up a few scuffs and scrapes in that time but have never been near a torch and the threads seem in good condition.
You can find the specs on the Cobra site.
These look to be around £170 before shipping and taxes. I'll take £140 inc. postage for all 6 or £75 for 3.
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