I've got one.
I bought it when I entered the NC4000 a couple of years ago, but DNS'd it so it never got its intended usage.
I used it inside a tent when I did the North Downs way a few weeks ago. It was fine, for a couple of mild nights in late September.
There's not masses of room in it but enough for me. My plan for bikepacking with it was/is to put it inside a bivvy bag and I reckon with that plus my clothes and the option of a silk liner, I'll be fine down to zero-ish, which would be enough for anything I plan to do. But I'm quite a warm sleeper.
It seems well made, weighs nothing and can pack crazy small - but is a bit of a pain to get into its tiny storage bag (not much more than fist size), so I just stuffed it into my tailbag so that it fitted in around everything else.
Okay, thanks Frank. That is helpful. It seemed like about the smallest one you can get and the price wasn’t too bad - £180. Will probably combine with down gilet and silk liner.
I've got one.
I bought it when I entered the NC4000 a couple of years ago, but DNS'd it so it never got its intended usage.
I used it inside a tent when I did the North Downs way a few weeks ago. It was fine, for a couple of mild nights in late September.
There's not masses of room in it but enough for me. My plan for bikepacking with it was/is to put it inside a bivvy bag and I reckon with that plus my clothes and the option of a silk liner, I'll be fine down to zero-ish, which would be enough for anything I plan to do. But I'm quite a warm sleeper.
It seems well made, weighs nothing and can pack crazy small - but is a bit of a pain to get into its tiny storage bag (not much more than fist size), so I just stuffed it into my tailbag so that it fitted in around everything else.