I think Fjern are a SportPursuit own brand so take the original price with a pinch of salt. That said, I have one of their down jackets and it’s really good for the price.
They are indeed along with most brands you've not heard of on SP. Key thing is to go to the brand website and check the return address, if it is Rushden then it's SP.
I'm after a new sleeping bag for summer use that will pack down pretty small and doesn't ocost the earth. Does this seem like a decent proposition? Anything better I should consider? https://www.sportpursuit.com/catalog/product/view/id/2396130?st=Shopping&ad=Google&campaign=t-Shopping%24loc-A%24x-Allbrands%24a-UK%24y-Shopping%24aud-new&utm_source=Shopping&adt=Shopping&dt=c&site=open&loc-A&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3uGqBhDdARIsAFeJ5r3-N7fxcTcZd3OwHGbZiIenEaZ9dasMYVPZayfX6qiSHJfihS7HDFEaAoO1EALw_wcB