Have you tried switching up your squat stance / depth? I've got ropey knees & mega tight hamstrings / hip flexors and found a narrow stance with toes pointing straight ahead helped massively - only going to 90° knee bend & keeping my shins as vertical as possible too, so sitting right back into the movement.
Took a while to adjust but have stuck 20kg + onto my squats and more importantly no niggles
Looking for some general advice here.
6 weeks into Stronglifts and generally doing OK, but more recently coming into some hip/groin pain on my right side when squattting. Saw an osteopath this week as I wanted an opinion on some other niggling previous issues around my hamstring/quads
Gave me some excericises to do around strengthening my hip flexor, and also advised me just only squat once a week. I'm OK with it, but there's nowhere a near fulflling/satisying experience not doing it on the other two workouts. Current weight is 52.5kg, and I think my form is generally OK. He also suggested doing some more running, and I managed a slow 25 min jog today, and about halfway through felt some more hip/groin pain not too dissimilar to the squat pain.
Is there any suggestions for things I can do in those other two workouts that aren't squats but are beneficial to those areas you'd normally work?