In fairness it's a pretty complex bit of software. You do need to calibrate the volume of output so that it closely represents your listening target. Do be careful not to blow your speakers. If you change the smoothing you start to see a more recognisable sweep. Remember your mic has a curve of it's own. You can also click the phase box at the bottom to get rid of confusing phase data as that's not going to help you at the moment.
I've posted this video before and the guy has an annoying presentation style but the method works and it might introduce you to a few concepts you're going to need to get your head around.
In fairness it's a pretty complex bit of software. You do need to calibrate the volume of output so that it closely represents your listening target. Do be careful not to blow your speakers. If you change the smoothing you start to see a more recognisable sweep. Remember your mic has a curve of it's own. You can also click the phase box at the bottom to get rid of confusing phase data as that's not going to help you at the moment.
I've posted this video before and the guy has an annoying presentation style but the method works and it might introduce you to a few concepts you're going to need to get your head around.
It will probably also lead to other REW based you tube videos that might help.