I’ve got the older version of that Stanley set and the Clarke top and bottom cabs that Hippy posted. Both have different functions so bear that in mind.
The Clarke HD cabs are not very portable. Once full of tools they can be wheeled around a workshop but they’re too heavy to lift. The Stanley set is more portable but the wheels on mine were rubbish and couldn’t take being wheeled from station to place of work (which was frustrating) so I’d recommend seeing one before you buy it. Bear in mind they’re sort of designed to be sold in Homebase so that’s the sort of quality they are. Things like the handles and small fittings just aren’t up to the job. That other set you posted looks better quality.
Considering getting one of these Stanley things, mainly cos it’s big enough for what I need, portable, and can open the units without unstacking them. Before I do, any better suggestions?
Cheers in advance