In the same vein does anyone have explanation on the near instant seatbelt release once the taxiing stops and stand in the aisle for 5mins til the stairs/skyway comes meaning no one can reach their overhead luggage?
A lot of the time it's airlines and their shitty "optimised" transfer times so you need to get off the plane and run like Kipchoge at the Berlin marathon to make your next flight (unless the airline has mugged you off with a bus to the terminal, in which case the joke's on you). A lot of the time it's just people being dicks though.
I definitely enjoy a drink and in many situations but pissed on a plane sounds fucking horrendous. Not as horrendous as a mate of mine who did a 14hr flight on mushrooms though, if you ever need to torture me, do that and I'll sell out my mum in seconds. In the same vein does anyone have explanation on the near instant seatbelt release once the taxiing stops and stand in the aisle for 5mins til the stairs/skyway comes meaning no one can reach their overhead luggage?