AirBnB management company
Would very much recommend against this. I'm aware of a case which went to tribunal a short time back which effectively ruled that running an airbnb - even if your lease didn't explicitly forbid it - would amount to running a business from a residential property and therefore usually a breach of another part of that lease. https://www.bradysolicitors.com/brady-blog/airbnb-court-decision/
Chances are you'd get away with it if your neighbours aren't inconvenienced. But if this is a long term plan you would have some legal exposure there.
I’m living abroad for a while but need my flat in London for when I visit home 2-4 weeks a year. Does anyone know of a good AirBnB management company in London that can fully look after it whilst I am on the other side of the world? Aware it’s not the best for society, but I need access to it fairly regularly which rules out a normal long term rental.
It’s also got nowhere for a lockbox and is in a development of flats, has anyone got experience with key management services like KeyNest?
Any other ideas for this welcome, it’s probably available 10.5 months of the year.