Anyone hear Claire Coutinho on The Today programme this morning talking about the yearly oil drilling licences?
I mean she didn't have a fucking clue and was going round and round in circular arguments about how they will ensure energy security and lower prices, even though it was pointed out that it would be sold on the open market and refined abroad.
When asked about storage, she kept saying they've increased capacity year on year, but when asked how many days storage did the UK have now, she had no figures, just repeated the year on year increase line.
It's also weird how her pattern of speech and intonation is identical to Sunak's. Obviously been through the same media training.
Anyone hear Claire Coutinho on The Today programme this morning talking about the yearly oil drilling licences?
I mean she didn't have a fucking clue and was going round and round in circular arguments about how they will ensure energy security and lower prices, even though it was pointed out that it would be sold on the open market and refined abroad.
When asked about storage, she kept saying they've increased capacity year on year, but when asked how many days storage did the UK have now, she had no figures, just repeated the year on year increase line.
It's also weird how her pattern of speech and intonation is identical to Sunak's. Obviously been through the same media training.