The data entry will be the longest thing. If you were to take the table I linked to then I would do this
Column A = Type = fuse or circuit breaker
Column B = standard
Column C = rating
Column D = resistance
Thanks this is really helpful. I’m deffo keen to try and implement something! But with my highly basic skills, this is probably more involved than I realised. I’ll report back next week to see if I can get anything that resembles a working sheet.
The data entry will be the longest thing. If you were to take the table I linked to then I would do this
Column A = Type = fuse or circuit breaker
Column B = standard
Column C = rating
Column D = resistance
You could use maxifs or you could use filter ( which would let you say
"for type and standard at this rating what is the resistance?"
or if you wanted a flashy dashboard you could use a couple of slicers (,every%20field%20that%20you%20selected.)