It's definitely possible (although realistically most stuff is in Excel depending how much effort you want to put in).
This may be what you're looking for with the drop-downs
https://trumpexcel.com/dependent-drop-down-list-in-excel/Not quite sure where A3 is coming from, whether it's a formula or an existing set of data or something.
And something like this for colouring your cell red
So the value for a3 wouldn’t be a calculation, but rather a point taken off a chart.
I’ve included a picture of the chart for 88-2, and you can see below 2A, the value is 33.1.The value for A3 is just a defined number that is a combination of type and rating.
On excel would it just be a case of putting all the values into the sheet somewhere, so you could say if a1=88-2, a2=2A, a3=z1 (z1 being where the relevant figure is recorded somewhere on the sheet).
I have a test sheet that I want to auto fill.
There are several device types, and each type has a rating, and that has a maximum permitted value associated with it. Eg type: 88-2, rated 2 Amp, max value 33.1 ohms.
Would it be tricky to create a drop down menu for the type? Eg 88-2, 88-3, 60898 etc
And then have another cell that has a drop down menu for the rating: 2, 4, 6, 10 etc
And then have a 3rd cell which automatically produces the maximum value associated with those two values.
In my mind (not knowing anything about it), it would be something like:
IF A1=88-2 and A2=2, then A3=33.1
And then finally, a fourth cell where if an inputted number is greater than A3, the cell will go red to indicate a failure.
It seems like none of it is particularly complicated, but I don’t know where to start.