I think the latest Ezra Klein show has some interesting stuff to say on this area. https://open.spotify.com/episode/73Swv9mL6FhQB4pwDBKouS?si=Vc3GbrsQR1i4SgwD8EHXJw
I'm not sure support is always that black and white. I can well imagine there is still a lot of grief and "something needs to be done" emotions. It's not something I've brought up with our Jewish friends as I have very strong views on Israel's actions past and present. So we've just tried to be supportive to them as people and know we're here.
This is something that's very live on our local nursery and parental WhatsApp chats. It permeates in all sorts of ways - one secular friend is looking at schools and was considering a religious school as its good. Now that they'd have to wear a yarmulke is a factor in the decision.
It has always been generally depressing how much security public Jewish spaces have - we went to a birthday party in the school hall of a Jewish school and even at the weekend you still have security. Likewise the nursery I walk past to get to the station has always had security. But it suddenly feels a lot more live.