If I can get a place again, I'd ride TPR another time, no question. Great scenery and barely any traffic for the most part (depending on how much riding you do within Andorra).
Felt like good value for money and a fairly hard challenge that's done in a week, which is always going to go down well at home for me. If I don't get a place I'll probably volunteer.
In the UK if I can squeeze it in I'd like to try Bristol > Glasgow > Bristol and maybe one of Andy Corless' longer ones, depending on what's running.
I'm looking at things at the moment.
I'd like to do B-hard, but don't want to drive there. I can see why you did though as train/bus with bike looks very hard.
Mittelgebirge is also a maybe. I'd like to do it and logistics is easier. Race Across Slovakia is sounds like another good option but I have something else two weekends before so might get pushback if I suggested it. Bratislava probably not as hard to get to as Banja Luka.
NC4000 is a possibility as I would like to do the Arctic circle stuff at some point, and North Cape Tarifa clashes with something (and I think it's too early in the year). If I don't do it, I might just do the LEJoG audax, as I've never done that. Or there is always TCR: no guarantee of getting a place, I don't really want to die on an Eastern European main road, but it does have the most buzz of any event.