Expanding on above-my fears are the seeming inevitable expansion, first to Lebanon or the West Bank, with the same edict “Hamas must be eradicated at any cost” will be used (replace Hezbollah for Hamas for Lebanon), to justify actions.
The saddest irony of ironies- if we see shift in the wrong, inevitable, direction - Gazans were significantly growing tired of Hamas- in a poll that completed on the 6th of October this year c 70% said they had little to no trust in Hamas.
73% wanted a peaceful solution to the conflict, and c 15% supported military approaches.
As that article points out this is now likely to change, as history shows that popularity for Hamas only grows in reaction to military action of Israel.
TL;DR- it feels increasingly inevitable that, buoyed by the seeming lack of opposition internationally , Israel will expand its operations, citing the same lie of “ridding Hamas” as they are now.
Expanding on above-my fears are the seeming inevitable expansion, first to Lebanon or the West Bank, with the same edict “Hamas must be eradicated at any cost” will be used (replace Hezbollah for Hamas for Lebanon), to justify actions.
The saddest irony of ironies- if we see shift in the wrong, inevitable, direction - Gazans were significantly growing tired of Hamas- in a poll that completed on the 6th of October this year c 70% said they had little to no trust in Hamas.
73% wanted a peaceful solution to the conflict, and c 15% supported military approaches.
As that article points out this is now likely to change, as history shows that popularity for Hamas only grows in reaction to military action of Israel.
TL;DR- it feels increasingly inevitable that, buoyed by the seeming lack of opposition internationally , Israel will expand its operations, citing the same lie of “ridding Hamas” as they are now.