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  • This frame was quite tempting when I was poking around for a gravel bike replacement for the Tripster. Will it fit 42mm tyres though?

  • Says 40mm with 'guards so must do. £675 at Sigma with EXTRA10 code 😉

    edit: fuck, worked yesterday

  • That's almost the same price as the Tripster frameset I was also looking at on ebay. I'll have my MTBs back shortly so I'm going to stop drooling over new gravel bikes.

    Please post this in the grav thread when you get it rolling

  • Don't need more than 28's for the Epping paths mentioned. 32's would be more comfortable.

    Edit: I ride 32's summer 35's winter for Essex road let alone light gravel riding given how crap the surfaces can be in the lanes and it's plenty quick enough...


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