I'm not sure supermarkets bother with this sort of tracking - they already know who does what and where, as the result of time & motion studies, done old school analogue style, since forever.
I guess there may be an argument for micro-marketing based on individual / cohort movements, but my guess is not much, based on cost versus benefit.
No doubt marketing loves the idea, until analytics shoots it down with numbers.
I should have caveated that - Analytics shoots it down, then marketing ask them to find a way to make the numbers agree with their amazingoriginalidea and can-you-just and why-doesnt-this-agree-with-the-numbers-i-produced
I'm not sure supermarkets bother with this sort of tracking - they already know who does what and where, as the result of time & motion studies, done old school analogue style, since forever.
I guess there may be an argument for micro-marketing based on individual / cohort movements, but my guess is not much, based on cost versus benefit.
No doubt marketing loves the idea, until analytics shoots it down with numbers.