It’s not entirely false - Lightroom can smear details a little on Fuji raws, which Capture One doesn’t do, from what I’ve seen. It translates into C1 files feeling a little crisper and sharper.
But… I still use Lightroom. I do almost all my editing on the iPad and store my photos in the cloud, so the Adobe ecosystem has worked much better for me. I got as far as downloading all my photos onto an external drive, planning to ditch my Adobe photography plan for a one-off C1 purchase, but a bit reticent because that would tie me to my aging PC. Then they switched to a subscription model that costs more than Adobe with virtually no cloud storage…
Think I’ll still give the free Fuji version a whirl for processing photos that I want to print, but that’s about as much of an effort than I am motivated to make at the moment.
It’s not entirely false - Lightroom can smear details a little on Fuji raws, which Capture One doesn’t do, from what I’ve seen. It translates into C1 files feeling a little crisper and sharper.
But… I still use Lightroom. I do almost all my editing on the iPad and store my photos in the cloud, so the Adobe ecosystem has worked much better for me. I got as far as downloading all my photos onto an external drive, planning to ditch my Adobe photography plan for a one-off C1 purchase, but a bit reticent because that would tie me to my aging PC. Then they switched to a subscription model that costs more than Adobe with virtually no cloud storage…
Think I’ll still give the free Fuji version a whirl for processing photos that I want to print, but that’s about as much of an effort than I am motivated to make at the moment.