From when I calculated it was about 4.5-5y payback on just solar, and 7-8 years with battery system.
We have a solar water diverter so using gas when gas rates are cheaper, and intend to heat the tank at night with cheap electricity if gas rates go higher than electric.
If you plan to move home in the next 7 years then solar + battery is unlikely to be worth it financially, as I don’t think solar panels are priced into property sale values.
Might make it more desirable for purchase though going forwards, as lower bills and lower energy performance ratings might become more important purchase requirements.
Estate agent literature doesn’t really mention the solar panel benefits or price them accordingly at the moment.
Also online house valuations and desktop valuations don’t take into account renovations or added solar panels / improved energy efficiency into their calculations yet.
From when I calculated it was about 4.5-5y payback on just solar, and 7-8 years with battery system.
We have a solar water diverter so using gas when gas rates are cheaper, and intend to heat the tank at night with cheap electricity if gas rates go higher than electric.
If you plan to move home in the next 7 years then solar + battery is unlikely to be worth it financially, as I don’t think solar panels are priced into property sale values.
Might make it more desirable for purchase though going forwards, as lower bills and lower energy performance ratings might become more important purchase requirements.