So I appear to have screwed up my Home Assistant access a bit.
I previously accessed it through DuckDNS. I think I set it up with a security certificate and disabled http access as part of that.
That meant I couldn't access HA using the local IP address on my network as it wasn't https. Didn't think much of that as could access through the DuckDNS address.
I now have a new ISP with CGNAT where things like DuckDNS are knackered so I can't access the HA interface.
HA is still working fine, I just can't access it. Any bright ideas? Cheers
So I appear to have screwed up my Home Assistant access a bit.
I previously accessed it through DuckDNS. I think I set it up with a security certificate and disabled http access as part of that.
That meant I couldn't access HA using the local IP address on my network as it wasn't https. Didn't think much of that as could access through the DuckDNS address.
I now have a new ISP with CGNAT where things like DuckDNS are knackered so I can't access the HA interface.
HA is still working fine, I just can't access it. Any bright ideas? Cheers