The logic (as described to me by the doc) is that currently the doctor only has the information to guess at a diagnosis and the episodes are so rare and intermittent that any regular tests, and even any stress tests, are unlikely to yield the evidence needed to reach a clear diagnosis. The risks are apparently low, but there is sufficient evidence that something is wrong to try and reach a more certain diagnosis... apparently capturing an episode using a home ECG would help.
I'm 39 - I don't know where that puts me on the young /old spectrum as far as heart helth is concened... if the rest of my body is to believed then I'm probably somewhere near a cliff edge.
The logic (as described to me by the doc) is that currently the doctor only has the information to guess at a diagnosis and the episodes are so rare and intermittent that any regular tests, and even any stress tests, are unlikely to yield the evidence needed to reach a clear diagnosis. The risks are apparently low, but there is sufficient evidence that something is wrong to try and reach a more certain diagnosis... apparently capturing an episode using a home ECG would help.
I'm 39 - I don't know where that puts me on the young /old spectrum as far as heart helth is concened... if the rest of my body is to believed then I'm probably somewhere near a cliff edge.