Just plotting a route to hit all these piddling gaps is going to take longer than riding it.
I find it much easier to plan than to actually bother going for the ride. I've had my next 6 tile hunting rides planned for over a year, just CBA (and don't have the time) to get out there and do them.
I was exaggerating a bit. I guess it's just the silly amount of gaps I keep looking at and the weeks I've not gone for a big ride that annoy me (I want it now, Mr Wonka! Now!).
I'm sure, given a couple of weekends, I could do a pretty good amount of 'gap filling'.
I find it much easier to plan than to actually bother going for the ride. I've had my next 6 tile hunting rides planned for over a year, just CBA (and don't have the time) to get out there and do them.
I end up with loads of stuff like: