• you've already told Admiral you've been involved in accident, so they will most likely fuck you over with you renewal quote whether you continue with the claim or not.

    But yeah, if you dont claim you should retain your NCB, but the fact they now know you have been involved in accident (your fault or not), will likely have a bigger impact on your renewal quote than losing your NCB.

    Give an insurance company an opportunity to be cunty, and they will 100% be cunty.

  • From experience this year with my renewal quote, Admiral will absolutely try to screw you on the renewal regardless so you might well be moving insurers in any case. I don't think you'd have to tell the new insurer about any non claiming incidents

  • In my experience the new insurers question will be "any accidents, regardless of fault?" plus they will know anyway. It's sort of an integrity test. If you fail that they'll fuck you over.

  • As Admiral have the claim on their system it will be fed through to all other insurers via the Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) system. So if not disclosed to another insurer, when it shows up on a CUE check the new policy is likely to be declared void for non-disclosure, which in itself will have to be disclosed when looking for alternative cover.
    Therefore I would think very carefully about the potential consequences.
