I'm a reluctant Zipcar user because they're a bunch of chancing crooks. But in central London, it's handy.
I report the slightest thing wrong with each car I pick up just in case I need to have the conversation where I have to say "to be clear, you'll see from my pick-up report that it was like that already". And best case is that it often results in credit.
It's rude AF to leave a dirty car or empty fuel tank for the next person. Honestly, some people.
The latest changes to the app are relatively good, you use it to submit photos (inside and out) when you unlock it. Has saved me from a couple of problems (along with taking loads of photos at the beginning and end of each booking).
An annual Rental Car Excess Insurance policy also helps, as I can avoid paying for the extortionate version that Zipcar provide.
The most annoying scam with dishonest Zipcar users is people damaging the car, then writing in the damage log (with a faked report number) but not actually ringing it in and owning up. It's then a random person in the future that ends up getting dinged, or Zipcar having to take the hit themselves.
Given I typically rent one of two or three local Zipcars each time I know the cars inside/out pretty well and am able to spot any new damage and calling it in even if it's written in the damage log - just in case. That's how I found out about this, I rang it in to confirm and they had no record of it.
People really are cunts.
We use Zipcars once or twice a week since getting rid of our car. I'd say it's been about 90% reliable, we've also had:
I just get good at complaining to Zipcar and getting driving credits, makes it cheaper for me in the long run.