Moulin Muirs 200 was a total banger yesterday and the perfect calendar event to (almost) end the season.
It was nice to meet @kvragu at the start. Apologies if my chat was fairly limited, I had underdressed and was doing everything I could to stop myself from shivering. Chapeau for starting with a hangover and very limited sleep - how did you get on? 17 out of 59 riders started (although the event had been postponed due to last weekends amber weather warning and was now taking place during the school holidays so maybe that had something to do with it).
Highlights included; autumn colours around Pitlochry, the epic tailwind after Aberfeldy, numerous red squirrels, spotting three cats (one big tortoise shell floofster, a petite black thing and and tremendous grey and black big boi), only having to push up one hill, an 8km descent, meeting and chatting to some new faces.
Lowlights included: that fucking headwind from the start to Aberfeldy at 100km. I wanted to get off my bike and throw it into the nearest large body of water on a couple of particularly exposed sections. (Although the tailwind on the way back kinda made up for it.)
This puts me up to 10,000 fixed gear kilometres this season which I’m super happy about. And I’m now up to 140 Fixed Wheel Challenge points so I should - if all goes to plan - achieve my target of 150 🤞🏻
Good on you for finishing and the total milage! Don't worry about the chat, I was just about keeping it together. Love your bike.
I dnf'd before the first CP, there were a few times I reacted too slow to traffic and realised I probably shouldn't be on the road. All the wind didn't help.
Moulin Muirs 200 was a total banger yesterday and the perfect calendar event to (almost) end the season.
It was nice to meet @kvragu at the start. Apologies if my chat was fairly limited, I had underdressed and was doing everything I could to stop myself from shivering. Chapeau for starting with a hangover and very limited sleep - how did you get on? 17 out of 59 riders started (although the event had been postponed due to last weekends amber weather warning and was now taking place during the school holidays so maybe that had something to do with it).
Highlights included; autumn colours around Pitlochry, the epic tailwind after Aberfeldy, numerous red squirrels, spotting three cats (one big tortoise shell floofster, a petite black thing and and tremendous grey and black big boi), only having to push up one hill, an 8km descent, meeting and chatting to some new faces.
Lowlights included: that fucking headwind from the start to Aberfeldy at 100km. I wanted to get off my bike and throw it into the nearest large body of water on a couple of particularly exposed sections. (Although the tailwind on the way back kinda made up for it.)
This puts me up to 10,000 fixed gear kilometres this season which I’m super happy about. And I’m now up to 140 Fixed Wheel Challenge points so I should - if all goes to plan - achieve my target of 150 🤞🏻
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