The Palestinian Arab leadership rejected any 2 state solution/division, so got organised to go to civil war to form a state (without Israel) And then with support from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria and Iraq, (who had all voted against the partition plan) continued the war in 1948.
Egypt conquered the Gaza strip, and Transjordan annexing West Bank, expanding their own land. Israel got both of those in 1967.To this day, though 55 UN member states still don't recognise Palestine, 28 UN member states don't recognise Israel.
Not a case of Palestinians being lazy.
If history had gone another direction, and say the first Arab Israel war went the other way, I'm not sure Palestine would have had it's own state anyway, as Egypt, Transjordan, Syria would have taken over, expelled the Jews and split the land spoils for themselves.
To the victor goes the spoils...
I can't help but think how this could all have been avoided if the Palestinians hadn't missed the boat to form a formal state immediately after the fall of the Ottomans. This wouldn't have happened if they'd had their act together and pushed back at the League of Nations decision to bring in Israeli settlers or to at least finish agreeing a proper 2 state solution before the British left Palestine and the Israelis went into overdrive. On their part its 70 years of failing to get organised.