It's a relatively simple and small extension. We told him we had a budget of £110,000 inclusive of everything. It's hard to say exactly what the quote is because there's not a lot of clarity on the contractor's quote. But even with several large parts of the work definitely being omitted, and maybe others that we don't know about, it's already reached £165,000. Despite claiming to manage costs at the start he's never given us a budget estimate - I've had to cobble it together from various bits of baffling contractor emails and random bits of quotes from material suppliers.
I'm trying to lay out a bullet-point list of what is unresolved at the moment, so I can send him a clear email. We just feel like he gave us a nice design, assured us all the way through the process that our budget was appropriate, told us he'd hand-hold throughout, and then just kinda fizzled out at the end. His recommended contractor has sent a big, confusing quote that includes blank numbers for "materials" and a little digging has unearthed that it doesn't include various important bits of the plan. And it's already way over budget. Now the architect has clammed up, and just says he needs the final invoice paying. We're sat here with the house in the same state as at the start, about £9k down on fees, and really tired and confused.