• #12902
Excellent, cheers :)
• #12903
I off and on have reactions/raised skin on tattoos I've had, mostly the black ink piece I have on my side/hip, and also the one I have on my shoulder/bicep. I'm afro caribbean, so assumed it was related to that, predisposition to keloid scarring, I read somewhere.
Tattoo's are both over 10 yrs old, and there will still be days when the skin will be raised on certain parts of them, and then the next day it will be back to normal. Doesn't hurt or itch, just raises and then goes down.
Could be to do with temperature or weather conditions, but it doesn't happen often enough, or hurt enough/at all for me to have tracked it.. -
• #12904
Yes, nice people but a cramped and somewhat grubby shop.
I probably wouldn’t go back personally. -
• #12905
Interesting. To be fair, it'll probably only be the one from them and I wouldn't expect it to be much longer than a 3-4hr session as it's just linework. So I reckon it's short enough that I can just pretend the grubbiness isn't there hahaa.
• #12906
That’s fair! I went for a wee one from Jessica Rubbish(who’s fucking awesome), I’m used to getting done in bright, airy studios like ScorpioMars so was a little surprised to walk into Old Habits which is kinda the opposite. It’s probably not actually dirty in there but the gloominess certainly gives that vibe.
• #12907
I use Dettol, works well
• #12908
Did a little test, learnt a lot. Mainly not to try and tattoo parts of me that I can't easily reach.
It needs a bit of work done on it, but will leave it for a week or so.
Objectively it's a bit shit, but I love it.
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• #12909
Subjectively I like it.
No experience, but I once heard someone say with DIY spray painting you should act out the motion of spraying first to make sure everything is accessible. I can imagine it'd be worth doing a similar thing here to avoid getting a bit stuck.
• #12910
Yes, I should have checked I could adopt a semi yoga pose to reach my calf for more than 30 seconds :)
• #12911
Very much this, I always do practice passes while welding, you’d be amazed how often you realise your position is completely wrong.
I’ve def seen tattooists doing the same thing prior to a long single line.I think it looks ace, nice one for being brave and giving it a whirl.
• #12912
Done! Hurt quite a bit, first one, but super happy. Can’t wait for it to heal
Done at prjct_ldn hackney way by tnkertattoo
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• #12913
looks really fab!
for what it’s worth, i found that spot on my ribs the worst of anywhere for pain (so far…), and that’s after elbows/kneecaps/sternum - so hopefully any future additions are a walk in the park by comparisson :)
• #12914
Cheers! Looks a bit smudged this morning in the wrap thing but that’ll come off in a few days which I’m excited about
• #12915
I kinda want the same now, but a city pigeon with one leg, shitty feathers and a cig butt in it's rotten beak.
• #12916
Your's looks way too happy and content.
• #12917
Came out ace.
I know someone who has numerous slightly scary pigeon tattoos and even changed her name to Pigey.I love having my ribs done(basically out of space now), pretty heroic for a first tat. If you time your breathing just right it feels all warm and tickly 😅
• #12918
That's great! Tough spot for your first one.
• #12919
Another hand poke. I've wanted this for a while. Needs a bit of retouching for sure, but I'm happy.
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• #12920
• #12921
Thought I’d share.
A while ago a friend asked if anybody had a picture of a dinosaur smoking a fag wearing a cardigan on a skateboard and if they did she’d get it tattooed on her side.
I drew one in 15mins and sent it to her.
A day later she sent me this pic with a one word text. That word was arsehole.
Love you Gem.
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• #12922
• #12924
Think this is ace too!
• #12925
Anyone know if some good London studios doing Friday the 13th flash next week?
Yes, great shop and good people.