For us it's fleas from a neighbours cat about a month ago who liked to climb in through a window / open garden door during the day and find a comfy spot on the sofa or one of the beds. Cat is now banished, although it was quite sweet, but the fleas are still around despite rigourous vacuuming and bedding washing. Can't see the blighters easily because of the dark colour sofa / sheets. Will try this DE too. Managed to boil one after trapping it in a glass.
I sympathize with you when you say it's depressing Chasnot, hope you make some headway with the bedbugs.
Seems from this article that the majority of suspected bedbug cases in France are other parasites.
For us it's fleas from a neighbours cat about a month ago who liked to climb in through a window / open garden door during the day and find a comfy spot on the sofa or one of the beds. Cat is now banished, although it was quite sweet, but the fleas are still around despite rigourous vacuuming and bedding washing. Can't see the blighters easily because of the dark colour sofa / sheets. Will try this DE too. Managed to boil one after trapping it in a glass.
I sympathize with you when you say it's depressing Chasnot, hope you make some headway with the bedbugs.