I have a dislike of statist centrist social democrats. The bloc vote in Central Scotland is an enabler of this and has clearly shifted back to Labour to be patronised and taken for granted yet again.
Powerful states can maintain themselves only by crime, little states are virtuous only by weakness
Ok. I mean, it’s entirely valid to highlight the flaws and corruption in our current democratic process. But I fell out with anarchism a very long time ago because it doesn’t really offer any way forward - there’s no guarantee that if we scrapped everything and allowed people to self-organise a replacement way of running society, we wouldn’t end up with the same thing or worse. Plus there’s all the bloodshed involved in scrapping the thing, of course.
TL:DR I’ll probably end up voting for ‘Keith’, my teenage self would have hated me for it and grumbled impotently about the inherent injustice of the world.
blah blah Keith blah colonial overlords blah blah
I mean, you may well have an interesting point to make somewhere under all the undergrad SWP rhetoric, but fucked if I can tell what it is.