I'd guess that staff is probably a bigger issue than classrooms and there may well be some staff available (although private schools employing unqualified teachers could be an issue there).
Of course there are plenty of other schemes to minimise the tax on private school fees. Paying through a trust is a favourite one.
In academies you only need English, Maths and Science at GCSE level to teach.
The Tories want all schools to be academies by the end of the decade.
That’s recruitment numbers if not quality addressed.
(Also noting that the general sufficiency crisis, mainstream and special, has strong roots in the 2010 Academies Bill. Strangely, despite LAs being unable to expand place numbers or open new schools (belatedly they can ‘sponsor’ a free school, thanks for that), the sufficiency crisis is down to the” LEA”, most likely because they are militant and/or woke. Wait until the frothing SEND and AP Implementation Plan shows in all its detail…..)
Sure, but you don't just magic buildings up at short notice.