Coming back from "high grade MCL tear" that has stopped me doing most stuff for 4 months. Ballooned up to ~103kg. Target is 76kg (last seen in 2009, but I did see 83kg in 2016).
All under guidance from physio, so I'm not risking anything.
This week I have done:
2k run outside (first outdoor run since May) to test the knee, and another 3k run.
Back in the pool - only 400m today but I'll soon be back to 3k three times a week
Ramp test on a Wattbike in the gym. Puny results given my weight, but a baseline at least.
2 x Mini Leg Blasters (Mon/Wed/Fri) in prep for skiing in the New Year
100 pushups challenge Week 1 Col 2 (Mon/Wed/Fri).
Food intake hasn't been too bad, nor has booze intake. Trying to give myself smaller portions at meal times.
Giving myself another 3 weeks before I expect to see the weight start to fall. I tend to have a 4 week plateau when I start something like this, body shape changes but weight stays the same. Almost certainly it's fat being replaced by muscle, but muscle being more dense (and in different places) means I look a bit thinner even if the scales don't say anything.
Also takes me about 4 weeks to get the routine embedded. Any wobbles during this time and it's unlikely to stick, so it takes a lot more mental energy to force myself to do things even though bits of me are aching/tired. If I make it past the 4 week mark it usually sticks for a good 6-8 months, as I generate a lot of heat it's nicer doing my runs in the autumn/winter.
Back to 5-a-side in a couple of weeks too. Really missed that.
First week of new regime done.
Coming back from "high grade MCL tear" that has stopped me doing most stuff for 4 months. Ballooned up to ~103kg. Target is 76kg (last seen in 2009, but I did see 83kg in 2016).
All under guidance from physio, so I'm not risking anything.
This week I have done:
Food intake hasn't been too bad, nor has booze intake. Trying to give myself smaller portions at meal times.
Giving myself another 3 weeks before I expect to see the weight start to fall. I tend to have a 4 week plateau when I start something like this, body shape changes but weight stays the same. Almost certainly it's fat being replaced by muscle, but muscle being more dense (and in different places) means I look a bit thinner even if the scales don't say anything.
Also takes me about 4 weeks to get the routine embedded. Any wobbles during this time and it's unlikely to stick, so it takes a lot more mental energy to force myself to do things even though bits of me are aching/tired. If I make it past the 4 week mark it usually sticks for a good 6-8 months, as I generate a lot of heat it's nicer doing my runs in the autumn/winter.
Back to 5-a-side in a couple of weeks too. Really missed that.