One of my key concerns is if you make it easy for a siginifcant proportion of the population to opt out, people are going to feel more antagonistic towards state provision of services and you're losing a constituency that might otherwise be supporting their local schools.
Another issue associated with private school provision is that in many cases you are encouraging people to travel further making problems of school run worse
One of my key concerns is if you make it easy for a siginifcant proportion of the population to opt out
This 100%. If we had no private schools, those with £17k a term a year to "invest" in their offsprings education would be incentivised to ensure that state schools were as successful as possible
One of my key concerns is if you make it easy for a siginifcant proportion of the population to opt out, people are going to feel more antagonistic towards state provision of services and you're losing a constituency that might otherwise be supporting their local schools.
Another issue associated with private school provision is that in many cases you are encouraging people to travel further making problems of school run worse