So some of the snippets I've pieced together are that it's a three year vesting period but didn't know if this was standard. There appear to be two types of shares (A and B) and a certain percentage can go through as PAYE but that's capped at something like £10K PA. Anything over that has to be declared through a separate tax return.
I've got a meeting booked with an IFA who has some accounting background so hopefully he can advise if any can be diverted to her pension scheme but because the amount in question is quite large I'm leaning towards swallow the tax and lock into long term savings plans whilst maxing out yearly ISA's. I'm aware that it just takes slipping back into a covid lockdown to wipe 50% off the current cash out value.
There’s no set vesting period as far as I know, it’s down to the individual schemes.
Is there any detail on tax arrangements for the scheme? I can’t remember the technical terms, but some schemes will only release the share options minus the calculated tax due, others out the onus on the individual to pay the tax.