I've never done sequencing in eurorack that's any more complex than the Intellijel Steppy 1U (which is gate triggers only). I've always used an external sequencer going into a midi>cv converter (Intellijel Midi 1U). Mainly that is the Digitone. I just find it quicker / easier and more powerful. Not to mention cheaper. The Metropolix on its own is almost as much as a Digitone and it's really a very basic sequencer in comparison. You have to really want to keep everything in the rack, or strongly prefer the interface of the Metropolix. It does seem like it has a particular workflow that can be nice for sort of knocking something into shape, rather than starting by knowing exactly what you wanted.
There's the Erica Black Sequencer - https://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/eurorack-modules/by-series/black-series/black-sequencer/ - which might be a slightly cheaper option in a similar vein.
Apart from that, dunno, buy my Cirklon? 😂
Mate you make excellent points I have to admit. I've already got the Torso T1 and the 1010 Music Blackbox on the desk and both are fine for sequencing, I just fancy something really immediate in the rack that's playable live.
I'll take a look at the Black Sequencer though. My production partner Paul just got his Cirklon through and he's now got that dilemma of keeping it or flipping it!
Anyone have any recommendations for sequencing in the rack, weighted towards Techno. I'm thinking about the Metropolix, downsides are it's size and cost. @Regal any thoughts?
Another query, I have 4 VCA channels free (split over 2 x MI Veils 2020) plus a fair few free LFO's to use (Doepfer A-145-4, free running and Xaoc Devices Batumi Quad LFO paired with their Samara Utility Waveform Processor. Batumi is clocked and I kinda like it running in the divide mode)
I've got two oscillators/voices, the Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas, and the ALM Busy Circuits MCO. These are both currently being sequenced with a mix of the Torso T1 and MIDI to CV sequences running on the Blackbox.
What could I do with the spare VCA channels/LFO's?