• Anyone have any recommendations for sequencing in the rack, weighted towards Techno. I'm thinking about the Metropolix, downsides are it's size and cost. @Regal any thoughts?

    Another query, I have 4 VCA channels free (split over 2 x MI Veils 2020) plus a fair few free LFO's to use (Doepfer A-145-4, free running and Xaoc Devices Batumi Quad LFO paired with their Samara Utility Waveform Processor. Batumi is clocked and I kinda like it running in the divide mode)

    I've got two oscillators/voices, the Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas, and the ALM Busy Circuits MCO. These are both currently being sequenced with a mix of the Torso T1 and MIDI to CV sequences running on the Blackbox.

    What could I do with the spare VCA channels/LFO's?
