Great photos.
Thanks - I took far too many, despite the damp which I'm surprised hasn't killed my camera. No longer trust the waterproofing on most of my bags - had to make heavy use of sandwich bags which then meant loads of condensation, etc.
traverse between Carie and Innerwick
Is that the second bit where the last photo directly above is? That bit was actually really nice, just the ruts on the track kept catching my pedals. 'A bit pointless' was probably overly harsh - it's still better than 99% of my offroad rides in Kent. It was more misjuding timing as had planned to camp on Rannoch Moor but hadn't realised quite how much of a detour that whole stretch was - I didn't look at the route properly beforehand so had just assumed it went along the road south of Loch Rannoch at that point (which I remember being a really nice road on a previous trip).
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Great photos.
Partially agree, the traverse between Carie and Innerwick is nice imho