It's more the additional labour costs of folks comfortable working at height, additional time taken to do the job at height and the associated H&S tax.
Most folks are happy just have a working heat producing device, let alone be picky about where it's positioned. 99% of us are gonna get these things slapped in our back yards, in the same way our boilers are slapped against the most convenient externally facing wall so we can run a flue pipe into our neighbours faces.
99% of us are gonna get these things slapped in our back yards, in the same way our boilers are slapped against the most convenient externally facing wall
It's more the additional labour costs of folks comfortable working at height, additional time taken to do the job at height and the associated H&S tax.
Most folks are happy just have a working heat producing device, let alone be picky about where it's positioned. 99% of us are gonna get these things slapped in our back yards, in the same way our boilers are slapped against the most convenient externally facing wall so we can run a flue pipe into our neighbours faces.