... So every pound i earn i see about 30p - the UK is a sh1thole right now
It's nowhere near that though.
If you're a higher rate tax payer then NI is a max of 8%. NI is 12% on the weekly earnings between £242 and £967 and then only 2% on any weekly earnings above £967.
Stick you salary and pension contribution into https://listentotaxman.com/ and it'll calculate it for you.
Even at the top of the Higher (40%) rate tax band, with a 12% pension contribution (I'm guessing that's not all yours, but the total of yours and your employer's contributions, if it is all yours then well done for putting that much away each month), the lowest net wage percentage is 53% (i.e. you see 53p in every pound you earn), and you'd need to be earning £142212 for that to happen: https://listentotaxman.com/?year=2023&taxregion=uk&age=0&pension=12%&time=1&ingr=142212
(I'm a higher rate tax payer that bungs a load into my pension and I get to keep 61p out of every £ I earn.)
im happy to pay fair (in my addled mind) taxes . im a higher rate tax payer so govt takes 40%, NI is about 12%?, im in the NHS and higher earners get clobbered for about 12% pension which i wont live to see. So every pound i earn i see about 30p - the UK is a sh1thole right now