That bike is brilliant(ly awful). I both love and hate it.
No idea about the watches sorry. I use a Garmin 935 which seem to be going for nothing second hand at the moment. I wouldn't advise it without a chest strap though as its not very accurate on the wrist.
I'm in a weird limbo as I decide whether to move forwards / sack off long course for good.
I made my A goal despite being injured and not really running beforehand, so if I was to carry on I'd really want to aim for significant improvement in the run (like a sub 10-10.5h on a flat course). I'm certain if I can get running fit I can easily cut off well over an hour on the run. I felt fresh off the bike and didn't min-max the aero in the end (socks, helmet etc) so could almost certainly find easy gains there. Swim I just need a better fitting wetsuit and some technique work.
But (a big one at that) I'm just plain unable + unwilling to put in as much time / though / prep as I did last year... I was my overriding goal to the detriment of life. And also I wont be able to prioritise a minimum 8.5-9h sleep a night I was getting.
How do you guys fit the long course training in around life? Does it ever get easier?
And here I was worried about my very much functional bento box & battery holder
Oh and @chiroshi those indeed look very neat printed out on the bike!