I'm guessing that's some sort of lying on your front & lifting your arms & legs?
I've done something similar each morning in the past to work on lower back pain
lying flat on your front, tighten your glutens right up, toes forward (which takes the tension off your hams), hands by your head, tighten your core, left your legs then squeeze shoulders back and lift.
I should add, that I keep my head in a relatively neutral position - i.e. I'm not leading with it when I lift up - and making sure that I'm not just making the right shapes, but actively engaging the lower back & glutes hard.
Other exercises that have worked for me have involved focusing on lower back extension:
Waiter's bow (unweighted good mornings basically), seated or standing, where the aim is to bend forward, keeping the lower back extended & not rounding it.
pelvic tilts (on hands and knees, or standing holding a chair), where the aim is to take your back into a flexed position and work on recovering it into an extended position, gradually making it harder by rocking back more on your hands & knees, or bending over further.
I have been doing this daily and it seems to be helping: