I off and on have reactions/raised skin on tattoos I've had, mostly the black ink piece I have on my side/hip, and also the one I have on my shoulder/bicep. I'm afro caribbean, so assumed it was related to that, predisposition to keloid scarring, I read somewhere.
Tattoo's are both over 10 yrs old, and there will still be days when the skin will be raised on certain parts of them, and then the next day it will be back to normal. Doesn't hurt or itch, just raises and then goes down.
Could be to do with temperature or weather conditions, but it doesn't happen often enough, or hurt enough/at all for me to have tracked it..
Apologies for the epic dredge (only just discovered this thread)..
This has possibly been done to death but my wife is also having a reaction to red ink (raised, discoloured skin and some itchiness, very obviously on the small red parts only)... but the kicker is that this has only appeared 2.5 YEARS AFTER getting the tattoo and has now been continuous for a further year..
Any ideas as to the trigger or possible solution?