With respect to this particular forumite, I don't think he was making a veiled subjective judgement over who should be having children. He's just the childless equivalent of the smug parent always looking for an opportunity to make his point that his decision was so obviously the correct one and anyone doing differently is in some way inferior or just wrong....
People whining about the difficulty or costs of having children deserve similar amounts of sympathy that dog owners who complain about having to pick up their dogs faeces. It’s a choice you made, insert deal with it glasses.
We all make choices, they will have an impact on ourselves and others. Worrying about your environmental impact? consider how having children will further that impact etc etc.
A child isn’t just for baby shower and first Christmas cards, it’s for life. If you are complaining about the impact having a child has on your life consider how that underlying thought will impact on your behaviour around your children and how this will affect them.
I know some people who are fantastic, caring considerate parents, who are happy to make unconditional self sacrifices as part of the parenting role. My contention is with the people who wish to complain about the impact their choice to have children makes on their lives.
Nor have I, but the logic is pretty solid.
I have, however, met plenty of people (almost exclusively those without children themselves) who use phrases like "The problem is kids" and "it's a lifestyle choice" as thinly veiled jabs at certain sections of society that should somehow be prevented from having that choice.
Of course, I'm sure that's not how you meant to come over by saying those things.