In fairness though I do really want to sort out a shotgun seat so I could cycle my eldest to school. Luckily there is a footpath that can get me all the way there as I* wouldn't be that confident going on the roads at peak school time given the way people drive.
However, I wouldn't be able to get my youngest to nursery in time for me to work, so it would be a bit pointless as my OH would just be driving the youngest to nursery which is a short drive on the way back.
I guess the answer is a cargo bike.
Or rustle up another £3-400k to move near the school.
In fairness though I do really want to sort out a shotgun seat so I could cycle my eldest to school. Luckily there is a footpath that can get me all the way there as I* wouldn't be that confident going on the roads at peak school time given the way people drive.
However, I wouldn't be able to get my youngest to nursery in time for me to work, so it would be a bit pointless as my OH would just be driving the youngest to nursery which is a short drive on the way back.
I guess the answer is a cargo bike.
Or rustle up another £3-400k to move near the school.
*and definitely not my OH