Similar on my leg from some yorkshire terrier cross type thing that belonged to a neighbour. It was round our house bothering our dog, not attacking it. I tried to shoo it away (I was in primary school but can't recall exactly what age), it wouldn't fuck off, took a half lunge at me which caused me to swing a kick at it in some kind of instinctual response. It sunk its teeth into my shin. No stitches but a few proper punctures (A&E, anti-boiotics, couple of days off school). The neighbours who owned the dog had a kid in the year below me and there were other similar aged kids who lived nearby. They took the dog that same day and had it put down. We were really expecting some kind of noise that I had provoked or something but none appeared. We didn't even really complain about the bite as we lived in the countryside (not that it should make a difference but there is an undertone of dogs being working animals or at least not kid friendly lap pets) and my parents did actually think it was partly my fault.
I have a scar where a Boarder Collie bit my face when I was a kid, such a shit dog to get savaged by.
I got chased on my morning run today by a collie. Just the playful chasing thankfully, bit jumpy. The owner didn't even move, just kept shouting "come back!" (At the dog I assume).
Ended up just giving it a stroke and it lay down and rolled a bit. The owner still hadnt moved when I ran off with the dog still on the ground, still shouting.
Don't blame the dog not rushing back to her.
I have a scar where a Boarder Collie bit my face when I was a kid, such a shit dog to get savaged by.