This. Good customer service is not something that gets them any more money, or the lack of it won't see them sanctioned. The wording by the ombudsman is vague enough that it's difficult to counter. Phrases like "in a timely fashion" or some such subjective bollocks. How can you, as a lay person, easily prove that the searches should take X amount of time? Or when have you ever seen an SLA in a solicitor's quote? I imagine asking for one would get you nowhere. Although, if I ever go through the process again, I'd be asking them to outline ahead of time what they consider reasonable response times and try to hold them to it. It will definitely not work, but I'm enough of a dick to not mind making their life annoying about it.
It seems like it would take so little to be the one of the best conveyancing solicitors - just answering phones and responding as promised would probably do it.