Thnx for this tip! Found bed bugs in my daughter’s room last week and was a bit annoyed. Immediately steamed her bed with a handheld steamer and put diatomaceous earth everywhere which killed a few but also contacted Bed Bug Ladies. They were very nice to deal with and came around today for the first time. They use micro-encapsulated pesticides that take a few weeks to work. Return visits are included in the price, fingers crossed it’s not necessary.
These women are great. They sorted my elderly neighbour out when he had a serious problem. Don’t take any chances. https://www.bedbugladies.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzdOlBhCNARIsAPMwjbz8Rv3NYAPHiQeLxE2dGsJ1rHcnUTuLORhEHP-kc9oYvrCoSZVKZawaAkAVEALw_wcB