how much of a headache am I going to give myself if I try and remove this tiled hearth from our dining room chimney breast?
It is remarkable how much it winds me up that you lose a foot of useable floor space for a non existent fireplace for absolutely no good reason. we have 3 of them in rooms in the house we're renting while we decorate this new place and every single one of them just makes the room less practical and they all look shit.
left as-is that lip is going to make seating someone at that end of the dining table a constant pain in the arse and will mean we have to push the dining table right up against the walkway through the room between living room, kitchen and hallway.
there's a photo of the side of it there too. is that just tile laid on top of a sheet of wood attached to the floorboards?
if so do i just smash the tiles off and unscrew/pry the nails out of the board?
You will probably find that the hearths sit on a big concrete or stone slab. It can be done but it’s a big messy heavy job requiring an SDS. YouTube as always has some decent examples
how much of a headache am I going to give myself if I try and remove this tiled hearth from our dining room chimney breast?
It is remarkable how much it winds me up that you lose a foot of useable floor space for a non existent fireplace for absolutely no good reason. we have 3 of them in rooms in the house we're renting while we decorate this new place and every single one of them just makes the room less practical and they all look shit.
left as-is that lip is going to make seating someone at that end of the dining table a constant pain in the arse and will mean we have to push the dining table right up against the walkway through the room between living room, kitchen and hallway.
there's a photo of the side of it there too. is that just tile laid on top of a sheet of wood attached to the floorboards?
if so do i just smash the tiles off and unscrew/pry the nails out of the board?